Play zero sum games ⇢ Play infinite games1
Use and abuse the body ⇢ Give to and co-create with the body
“This person is so negative.” ⇢ “Life is hard. How can I make it a little easier for them?”
Have strong opinions, strongly held ⇢ Have current opinions, loosely held and delivered with a powerful preface
Distract self from a big, painful feeling pushing it down and away like a beach ball in a swimming pool until it explodes in your face stunningly with equal and opposite force ⇢ Feel it, let it wax and wane like the moon, then make some art about it
Read with your brain ⇢ Read with your heart: What’s being said? What’s not being said? Check for resonance/dissonance
Let technology use you as a tool ⇢ Use technology as a tool
Everything in moderation ⇢ Everything in moderation, especially moderation
“I buy [this product/idea].” ⇢ “Who benefits from you buying this product/idea? Who might get harmed?”
A love of power ⇢ The power of love
Thank you to my family, friends, clients, community (omg my therapist), and
for being catalysts of hard-won wisdom. Form-wise, inspired me to try writing a living, growing, repeat-visit piece.The credited images in Quiet Confetti by Kat Koh were made by humans who got paid for their work.
...amazing start to finish...moderation in moderation is so lol...that reframe on buying is so useful to...the amount of thoughtless consumption in my life...yikes...
I love #5!